" Wow! We do several different poetry exercises and projects throughout the year and I have found that the experience of working with your contest helps create extra student enthusiasm for their work and our various topics. "
---- Brad Woodward" We were also very pleased to be named one of the schools to receive a Poetic Achievement Award. Thank you for sponsoring this poetry contest. It allowed our student poets the opportunity to see that they can, and do write for a real audience. "
---- Barbara Gondek" Thank you for the gift of the students' poetry. This is a great incentive for our young people! At last we are awarding students who excel in other areas besides sports. Congratulations for your interest in our young poets. "
---- Sister Thomas Aquinas" Thank you for the recent notification to my students regarding the publication of their poems. We were very excited that so many of their poems were selected. We have been reading and writing poems all year. At the end of the year the children will put together their own anthology. They went through their writing folders and selected one poem they wanted to enter. All my children see themselves as poets and it has been wonderful to watch their self-esteem and their ability grow. Thank you again for publishing their poems. "
---- Becky Canning" We are very excited to have the opportunity to have so many of our students chosen for publication in the anthology A Celebration of Young Poets, and are even more excited to receive a free copy for our school library. I have included the coupon which was presented to us. We look forward to receiving the anthology. Thank you very much for this opportunity and providing an avenue for which our students can share their poetry with others. "
---- Kerry C. Hoffman - Principal" I want to tell you how excited my son and I are! I'm just jealous that he's becoming a published writer before me!! Josef and I share an enthusiasm for writing, though neither of us have really tried much poetry. Josef sits for hours, sketching and writing stories. We both love journals and short essays and I love his teachers encouraging poetry writing. As a parent, I'm thrilled with this honor for my child. In an awkward growing period, Josef's self esteem is soaring. As a teacher, I am happy to see a variety of students achieve this honor. Included from our school are remedial students, shy, reserved underachievers and the 'average' students who sometimes get lost amidst the special learners and gifted. Even though a cash prize would be nice, we have already been blessed beyond our hopes. Thank you. Thank you for rewarding the written word, in the recognition that it does truly come from the heart. "
---- Donna Gallion" I want to thank you. Your contest will boost self-confidence, especially for those students who do not play sports. I hope we can continue to contribute to your book. My students are thrilled to see their work in such a wonderful publication! Thank you for your efforts. "
---- Mrs. DeHoney" This contest is an excellent tool for motivation and stimulates an appreciation for poetry. It has proven to be a self-esteem booster for my students and stirs a sense of energy I have found hard to generate from regular instruction in the classroom. My students have found a purpose for writing, and I have you to thank for creating such an opportunity. "
---- Kimberly J. White" I'm writing you to say how happy I was to receive your congratulatory letter in January. We were quite pleased to learn that many of our student's poems were chosen for publication in your publication. Thirteen of my students were selected for inclusion in your publication last year. It was very uplifting to witness the sense of pride each student displayed. I received my copy of the latest publication in July---and totally loved it. I shared it with others and proudly pointed out our 'SCHOOL OF DISTINCTION' status. I shared our success within my district and discussed your contest with other teachers on my campus. The results were phenomenal!!! This year we will have over 45 poems included in your collection. Our school conducted a Writer's Fair in February and I included a section of student poetry. I also displayed a flyer documenting our success in your publication. I predict even more teachers will submit entries. "
---- Rick Spencer" My students are excited that you are sponsoring this competition to honor young poets from the state of Texas. You have helped me encourage them to perfect their writing and make it worthy of publication. "
---- Cynthia Young